Saving Veterans from Psychiatric Drugs

Ron Tottingham is a man of many roles—all in the service of others.
At age 17 he enlisted in the US Marines and served six years. He became a Doctor of Theology and got a Ph.D. in counseling psychology. He founded a Baptist church in South Dakota, which he pastored for 33 years, and founded Great Plains Baptist Divinity School. His next calling was as a chaplain for the US Air Force Auxiliary Civil Air Patrol, which he has served for 34 years. He also serves as a chaplain with the US Service Command, as a Major General. Since 2007, he has been a federal chaplain endorser, where he oversees 31 chaplains and trains chaplains for the military.
As a chaplain, he sees the devastation of psychiatric drugs. So when he first saw an advertisement for The Hidden Enemy documentary—exposing the psychiatric drugging of military soldiers and veterans—he quickly became an avid promoter of CCHR to safeguard veterans from mind-altering drugs.
What is your passion in life? I want veterans to have a very full and productive life in spite of life’s challenges. I’ve worked with veterans for a long time, counseling PTSD. Because of that, I’ve been involved in mental health and see the drugs—and I don’t believe in it. I fully believe psych drugs are poisons, not physical cures.
I saw a [CCHR] ad in a magazine, I get military magazines…and it tweaked me. When I saw the ad, I thought it would answer questions for me, which it did. When I watched The Hidden Enemy, it answered all my questions and pulled everything together. It is such an important work that, since then, I have promoted it to around 1,000 people. I carry copies of the DVD with me everywhere I go and give one to those I think will view it and those who have influence to show it to others.
What situation are you addressing through your work? I’m a fire rescue chaplain and we deal with the fire rescue people who end up with PTSD. A lot of times they go to a psychologist or a psychiatrist, as that is what the mental health department is, and a lot of these departments don’t know any other option.
When I show these videos, it puts a damper on it. The person will back off the drugs because they watched the video and get medical help to safely withdraw from them.
“Most of those with PTSD that I deal with, I get before they go onto drugs and, if I have anything to do with it, they never start.”
What results have you seen? A hundred people, if not more, have sent an email back and said, “I watched it and I did this, I did that,” and they are sharing it with others.
Most of those with PTSD that I deal with, I get before they go onto drugs and, if I have anything to do with it, they never start.
I’ve had a few who were already on drugs and then I gave them the DVD to take home, and they came back and said, “Wow!” One wife said, “My husband was a vegetable and it opened my eyes.” Some are already under psychiatrists and have to go back to the psychiatrist saying they don’t want to do this, and the psychiatrist then says they are insane. Once they watch that video they get unconnected as fast as they can.
How has CCHR helped? By informing the public about the harm of psychiatric drugs, CCHR is doing one of the most wonderful and necessary jobs. To think I would be a part of something as big as what you folks are doing is amazing. I truly hope your work will grow and become a nationwide movement against the drug industry and its “ministers”—the psychologists and psychiatrists.

As a nonprofit mental health watchdog, CCHR relies on memberships and donations to carry out its mission. To become part of the world’s largest movement for mental health change, join the group that has helped enact more than 180 laws protecting citizens from abusive psychiatric practices.