“Chemical Lobotomy” Drug to be Discontinued

Japan’s “Vegetamin,” a heavy antipsychotic drug responsible for an estimated 1,000 deaths, will finally be taken off the market thanks to the work of CCHR Japan and other like-minded organizations.
Vegetamin is the Japanese equivalent of the psychotropic Thorazine, the first antipsychotic ever developed in 1951, with side effects so devastating it has been dubbed a “liquid straitjacket” or a “chemical lobotomy.”
Yet, according to an analysis of a national database covering prescription patterns, Vegetamin was being prescribed to a staggering 8 percent of outpatients and 15 percent of inpatients in Japan.
CCHR’s persistent string of complaints to Japan’s National Health Ministry was finally heard when Shionogi & Co., Ltd. was forced to announce that Vegetamin would be discontinued on December 31, 2016.
Vegetamin’s parent pill, Thorazine, was praised in the 1950s as psychiatry’s new “wonder drug.” It has since been proven to cause muscle spasms, confusion, seizures, insomnia and tardive dyskinesia (a disorder that involves involuntary movements, especially of the lower face) and has also been shown to cause death.
CCHR Japan has been working for years to expose psychiatry’s abusive practices in their country, which has the highest ratio of psychiatric beds to population out of any nation in the world.
“I really appreciate the help CCHR gave me. Psychiatry destroyed my life…. I knew nothing of psychiatry and thought it was legitimate medicine. Then I saw Psychiatry: An Industry of Death and was simply amazed by what I saw. Thank you for all the materials that are available.”
“The CCHR website changes and saves lives—that’s an absolute certainty. I share your website, all your news and testimonies every day. Many people are immensely grateful for your work.”
“I came across your website when I was writing our position paper against 11 mental health bills … which supported psychiatric criminality. Your organization has served as a huge resource in advancing our cause. Thank you for all the work you have done for our sector. I could not help but cry when I watched your documentary Psychiatry: An Industry of Death, recalling all the medications you showed that I was coerced to take for 12 years.”
“I have always thought there were problems with our prescribing chemical band-aids but I didn’t know how severe it really is. I’ve cited your website as the leading resource in properly addressing mental health concerns in college papers and many, many other debates. Please keep up the great work.”
“I wish I had seen your documentary earlier than today. There is so much I would have done differently … What an eye-opener.”
“I am truly proud of all the people who work at CCHR. CCHR is one of the reasons I still believe that this world can change into a better place.”

As a nonprofit mental health watchdog, CCHR relies on memberships and donations to carry out its mission to eradicate psychiatric violations of human rights and clean up the field of mental health. To become part of the world’s largest movement for mental health reform, join the group that has helped enact more than 180 laws protecting citizens from abusive mental health practices.