The United Nations Committee Acts on CCHR UK’s Recommendations

On June 9, 2016, the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) issued its report and recommendations for the United Kingdom. The report advocated greater transparency in the prescription of psychotropic drugs to children and urged that these be “a measure of last resort,” with full informed consent and alternatives presented.
The UN report, compiled after recent hearings with British government officials and attended by CCHR, drew substantially from the findings and recommendations they submitted, pushing for the right of children to be spared false diagnoses and harmful “treatment,” and demanding that the government make broadly available the statistics on the number of children and adolescents prescribed psychotropic drugs.
Among the myriad of facts put forth in CCHR’s 56-page report was the epidemic 438 percent increase in the number of prescriptions for ADHD drugs over 14 years in England—from 269,000 in 2000 to 1.1 million in 2014.
As of June 2014, one million prescriptions for Ritalin were being written every year for children as young as three in the United Kingdom.
The report further detailed how, as of June 2014, one million prescriptions for Ritalin were being written every year for children as young as three in the United Kingdom, with taxpayers shelling out 50 million pounds annually for drugs that come with 100 adverse effects and on which 11 British children have died.
One psycho-pharmacology expert and professor of psychiatry, was quoted, stating: “The drugs used to treat ADHD are the same as speed and cocaine. We react with horror to the idea that our kids would use such drugs, but don’t react about drugs such as Ritalin being given to them.”
The committee’s recommendations going into effect, would mean an unprecedented level of transparency in the arena of child drugging in Britain as well as a turning point for parents, who, with full informed consent, can finally make the right decision for their children.
Our children’s lives are imperiled in the name of profit by the psychiatric industry. Here’s how:20 million
worldwide are currently on psychiatric drugs.
who see a child psychiatrist in the US leave with a prescription for a mind-altering psychiatric drug.
1 million
age 5 or younger in the United States are taking psychotropic drugs.
in children prescribed antidepressants over a seven-year period in the United Kingdom.
1 IN 18
are prescribed antidepressants, despite Food and Drug Administration warnings of suicidal ideation.

As a nonprofit mental health watchdog, CCHR relies on memberships and donations to carry out its mission to eradicate psychiatric violations of human rights and clean up the field of mental health. To become part of the world’s largest movement for mental health reform, join the group that has helped enact more than 180 laws protecting citizens from abusive mental health practices.