(Offer limited to one free package per educator or seminar leader.)

The Age of Fear education package is provided free of charge to historians, professors and human rights activists who give lectures and group instruction, teach school or university classes or run community learning programs.
This education package includes:
- The Age of Fear Educator’s Guide, containing all resources needed to support a full seminar agenda based on The Age of Fear: Psychiatry’s Reign of Terror documentary.
- The Age of Fear: Psychiatry’s Reign of Terror DVD (1:48 mins.) This shocking documentary sets the record straight concerning psychiatry’s perpetration of the ultimate in human cruelties before, during and after the Holocaust—abominable practices that continue today. Experts and victims tell the true story of psychiatry from its earliest beginnings to the present, revealing how its reliance on brutality and coercion is unchanged and unchecked.
- A set of 24 The Age of Fear: Psychiatry’s Reign of Terror companion booklets for seminar participants to read and pass on to others.
We are able to provide you with these materials for free thanks to the generous donations of CCHR’s contributors. In return, we ask that you inform CCHR of the results obtained from use of the information. Student/participant feedback, testimonials and statements from colleagues or professionals who benefited from knowing these facts are all welcomed by CCHR.
If you do not conduct classes or seminars, you wish to raise public awareness of mental health abuse issues, we encourage you to request our free DVD and information Kit.